When I try to launch an application, I just see a spinning wheel and the application never launches.

On a PC or Mac

This behavior usually indicates that the Citrix Receiver is not properly installed.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Clear your internet browser cache
  • Restart your internet browser or try a different browser
  • If you still see this behavior, visit http://receiver.citrix.com and install the Citrix Receiver


On an Android or iOS device

This usually indicates a problem with your network connection.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify you have a working WiFi or 3G/4G connection
  • Logout of the Citrix Receiver app on your device and log back in
  • If you still see this behavior, delete the account you created for apps.ufl.edu in the Citrix Receiver and create a new account
  • If you still see this behavior, uninstall the Citrix Receiver and download it again from your device’s app store.