FAQ – About
What is UFApps?
UFApps leverages a number of cutting edge technologies to provide UF students and faculty access to Windows based software applications from any computing device–laptops, tablets, desktops, and smartphones–from any location, at any time.
UF Information Technology staff monitor usage to gauge the usefulness of UFApps and each application offered to the UF student and faculty community. This data, as well as user feedback, will help determine how we can expand or improve UFApps.
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Where did UFApps come from?
UFApps began as a one-year pilot project provided by UFIT and funded by students through a student technology fee project. Due to overwhelmingly positive feedback, UFApps became a full production UFIT service for students and faculty.
Is this the Right Application Environment for Me?
UFApps covers a suite of services that provide access to the applications and resources you need. You can view all our available options as shown on this table.