UFApps M Drive Migration
Beginning in January 2022, UFApps users with files stored on the M:Drive will have their current files archived in a new O:Drive titled “Old UFApps M Drive (O:).” Also, to better reflect that it is temporary storage space, the “M:StudentFileStorage” drive will be renamed “UFAppsTempStorage (M:)“.
Any other files that you had stored in the M:Drive, including your Contacts, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, and Links folders before January 2022 can be found on the Old UFApps M Drive O: folder.
Starting January 1, 2023, any files in the M: drive two years old or more will be purged. Thus, UFApps users will always have access to two calendar years’ worth of their M: drive files.
These files will be set to read-only but you can copy them back to the M: Drive, your OneDrive @ UF, or Google Drive provided you have set that up with the Kumo service.
Please keep in mind that the UFApps M:Drive is designed for files actively being used and not intended to be a long-term storage solution. OneDrive @ UF and Google Drive are the preferred long term storage solutions for use in UFApps.